Author: is your online resource to simplify the qualification process for various assistance programs at a local, state and federal level.

Real estate agent with house model and keys

What are housing grants?

You’ve likely heard this term if you have ever looked into housing assistance. We’ve written this article to provide all information you need to get started on acquiring a grant based on our first ha…


Have you been negatively impacted by the corona virus? A vast majority of American's have. The good news is, you don't have to navigate these troubling times alone! Fortunately there is hope and it c…

Real estate agent with house model and keys
Find Housing

Public Housing Guide

Public housing was created to provide quality rental homes for low-income families, the elderly, and people living with disabilities. There are various types of Public Housing options such as single-…

Real estate agent with house model and keys
Find Housing

How To Find A Job

Many people that are currently receiving or seeking help from benefits programs are only seeking temporary aid while on their journey to become fully self-sufficient. They could be temporarily out of…

Real estate agent with house model and keys
Find Housing

How to Find a Job

Many people that are currently receiving or seeking help from benefits programs are only seeking temporary aid while on their journey to become fully self-sufficient. They could be temporarily out of…

Real estate agent with house model and keys
Find Housing

Disability Benefits

Most of us think of retirement when we hear Social Security. Did you know that there are multiple types of Social Security benefits that can be claimed? Social Security is not just claimed by retir…

Real estate agent with house model and keys
Find Housing

Housing Grants

What Is A Grant? In your search for housing and other assistance programs you will likely come across the term "Grant." To clarify, a Grant is the term used when funds are given to a person, group…

Real estate agent with house model and keys
Find Housing

Unemployment Assistance

Unemployment Insurance and Benefits Unemployment in the present-day economic state of the US is at an all-time low in 50 years. However, if you've been employed for any length of time you likel…